Par le Pr Arnoud ARNTZ (Pays-Bas)
Le Pr Arnoud ARNTZ est professeur de psychologie clinique à l'Université d'Amsterdam (Pays-Bas).
Il a contribué au développement et à l'opérationalisation de la rescénarisation de l'imagerie dans la Thérapie des Schémas. Il prend en charge des patients souffrant de traumas (infantiles) sévères et de troubles de la personnalité.
Imagery Rescripting (ImRs) is getting increasingly popular among CBT therapists. For some problems it can be provided as a standalone treatment, for example for PTSD and for nightmares. For other problems, it can be easily integrated in C(B)T, and it is actually a standard ingredient of some CT protocols as well as of Schema Therapy. Imagery Rescripting has many attractive aspects, such as flexibility to adapt it to specific issues a patient is struggling with, its experiential nature that promotes change processes, and its suitability to focus on early adverse experiences that led to the development of the problems – a domain that has usually been neglected in CBT. Moreover, research indicates that patients tend to further improve after ImRs treatment, which is an attractive feature both for patients and for therapists.
In this workshop the basics of the technique as applied to process memories of traumatic and other adverse experiences in childhood will be explained and demonstrated. Participants will also practice with the technique in roleplays, so that following the workshop they will be able to apply the technique in their clinical practice.
Key learning objectives :
Training modalities :
Instruction, modelling by roleplaying by the trainer, practicing in roleplays by participants, central discussion. A treatment protocol will be available for participants.
Key references :